Project Calendar: A Concise History of the Events, Study Tours, Conferences, and Other Actions
A great number of organizational, public and dissemination events were arranged during the project’s life time and beyond. All events were covered in Press releases before and / or after the events. They were disseminated mainly in Russian, partly in English to the relevant Internet portals, partner institutions, and shared on social media. The first bloc of comprises the principal experts meetings and policy recommendations. The second is on the series of study sessions of MA students in media studies, social computing, in Russian as foreign language and cultural studies resulted in research papers, contributions to databases, teaching materials and extra-class scenarios. The third one is on study tours to the most crucial migration-related institutions and their events in Florence, Oslo, Brussels and Budapest. on the educational aspects of migration. Special press releases were prepared on two policy conferences (Budapest, Moscow) and on the results of the project.
Main events: