Explanatory Glossary of Migration Policy Terms/ INTERACTIVE MODULE


Толковый словарь терминов по миграционной политике

В электронном толковом словаре терминов по миграционной политике (ред. проф. Е.В. Бродовской и др.) раскрыто на современном информационном уровне в максимально сжатой форме содержание широкого круга понятий и терминов, связанных с миграцией населения.

Учитывая особую важность, которую приобрели в настоящее время вопросы миграционной политики в Европе и России, в словаре значительный акцент сделан на социально-экономических, демографических и геополитических последствиях миграции.

Подробно рассмотрены иммиграционная политика западных стран (воссоединение семей, трудовая иммиграция, прием лиц, ищущих убежища, специфические категории иммигрантов, программы легализации мигрантов) и миграционная политика отдельных государств, опыт которых наиболее полезен для России.


The digital Explanatory Glossary of key terms on migration policy functions as an interactive learning tool and a resource for school teachers and other practitioners. It comprises of a wide range of concepts and terms related to the different phenomena of migration processes. The theoretical information and practical interpretation of the most relevant subjects are explained in the most concise form. Given the importance of migration policy issues in contemporary Europe and Russia, the dictionary places a significant emphasis on the socio-economic, demographic, and geopolitical consequences of migration. It refers to the migration policy concepts both of EU countries and of individual state (e.g. family reunification, labor migration, the reception of asylum seekers, specific categories of migrants, programs of legalization of migrants), whose experience is indispensable for Russia. Due to the tests, the glossary is useful both in teacher training and individual learning.


Digital Explanatory Glossary of key terms on migration policy Presentation


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This publication was prepared and published with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme  of the  European Union, in the frame  of Jean Monnet Activities / Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. The title of the project: Advancing the Systematic Learning Approach for Migrants and Disadvantaged Groups:  A Unified Model for Training of Trainers (ASyLUM)”.

Project №: 575510-EPP-1-2016-1-RU-EPPJMO-CoE; Grant Agreement: 2016-2856/001-001

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.