1) Adaptation and Integration of International Migrants in Contemporary Schools. A Training Manual for
Teachers of Schools with a Multinational Composition of Students
In the context of the multinational Russian educational community, the topic of the intercultural competence of the teachers to work with different categories of students is highly relevant. The Training Manual consists of six chapters with a list of books and articles. The Chapters 1-4. are devoted to the linguistic, social, cultural and psychological adaptation of children from families of migrants with special regard to enhancing the regular communication with the local inhabitants. A separate part (Chapter 5) is addressed to the schools’ administration with a detailed set of good practices methodologies of work in strong cooperation with the parents, and the local migration officers. The concluding part (Chapter 6) focuses on the theory, methodologies and practices of obtaining the proper set of intercultural communication competences. The publication, as a part of the training package, is addressed to teachers, schools’ administrations, and students of pedagogical universities.
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A Training Manual
The manual is intended for training specialists studying the processes of migration, social adaptation and
communication of migrants, the use of big data (Big Data) for the analysis of social and political
digital marker processes.
It presents the theoretical, methodological and methodological aspects of big data as a method
analysis, heuristic capabilities of the big data method in applied analysis.
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This publication was prepared and published with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, in the frame of Jean Monnet Activities / Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. The title of the project: “Advancing the Systematic Learning Approach for Migrants and Disadvantaged Groups: A Unified Model for Training of Trainers (ASyLUM)”.
Project №: 575510-EPP-1-2016-1-RU-EPPJMO-CoE; Grant Agreement: 2016-2856/001-001
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.